Delegated Underwriting Authority - London Business District Lloyds building and Gherkin and other office buildings

Delegated Underwriting Authority


Delegated Underwriting Authority

For many years HWI has been a trusted partner for clients looking to obtain Delegated Authority Arrangements. We work with Insurers, MGAs, Coverholders and Brokers, to deliver specialist insurance products and services to the market.

Our expertise in navigating Lloyd’s marketplace sets us apart as we work closely with Insurers to develop and maintain lasting relationships.

We have experience in placing both Lloyd’s and Company market delegated authority arrangements and will assist clients in maximising profitability and developing mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with Insurers.


Delegated authority arrangements

We currently hold and place delegated authority arrangements for the following specialisms:

  • Yacht
  • Marine Trade
  • Marine Liability
  • Fine Art and Specie
  • Transportation
  • Professional Indemnity

Strong relationship with Lloyd’s

We deal with Coverholders around the world across various classes of business. Our strong relationships in the Lloyd’s market give us access to Syndicates with solid expertise and excellent security and ratings.

We have assisted clients in becoming approved Lloyd’s Coverholders and in the development, launch and establishment of new products. This means that our team can handle everything you need to operate a new or existing placement.

Our team of professionals makes sure your facility runs smoothly and effectively, saving you time and effort so that you can focus on your business. If you’re looking for an expert to manage your insurance needs, we’re happy to help.


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